• 学习无处不在
  • Academic Partnerships
  • Academic Partnerships

    云顶集团’s academic partnerships and entry pathways offer students select opportunities to earn dual degrees or a B.A. 一个专业的 master’s 在短短五年内.

    云顶集团 has partnered with other notable institutions to provide students with expanded academic and post-graduate opportunities. Partnerships include dual-degree undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as accelerated graduate pathways.

    These programs combine 云顶集团's rigorous liberal arts experience with specialized curricula to prepare you for additional studies at one of our partner institutions. This accelerated track prepares you to enter the workforce with a competitive advantage.


    Advanced Academic Partnerships

    These programs combine 云顶集团’s excellent liberal arts experience with specialized curricula to prepare you for additional studies at one of our partner institutions.

    Johns Hopkins 大学

    Johns Hopkins 4+1 BA/MS Business

    4+1 — B.A./M.S. 在商业

    This program prepares you for your career with a specialized master’s degree from Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. In only five years, earn your B.A. 一个专业的 master’s in one of these disciplines: Finance, Marketing, Information Systems, Health Care Management, or Business Analytics and Risk Management.


    Johns Hopkins MA Nursing Program

    M.S. 在护理

    This program linkage offers 云顶集团 undergraduate students a dedicated program liaison and chief advisor through the graduate school admissions process for the Master of Science 在护理 (MSN) degree at Johns Hopkins 大学 School of Nursing.


    B.A. + Master of Health Science

    B.A. + Master of Health Science

    The Master of Health Science in Social Factors in Health is an advanced research degree. It is designed for students with undergraduate exposure to social and behavioral sciences and/or public health, who seek further training in theory and methods in these areas.


    B.A. +生物伦理学硕士

    B.A. +生物伦理学硕士

    The Master of Bioethics is an innovative, interdisciplinary and cross-divisional graduate program combining approaches from science and technology, the humanities and arts, and public health and medicine to prepare students from diverse backgrounds to investigate and address the bioethics challenges of professional and civic life.




    4+1 — B.A./M.B.A.

    获得B.A. 和M.B.A. 在短短五年内 with 罗耀拉大学 Maryland’s Emerging 领导人米.B.A. (ELMBA)项目. Fast Track admission and a 15% tuition discount are available for qualifying 云顶集团 students.



    明德米.A. 法语,西班牙语

    M.A. 在法语/西班牙语

    For French Transnational Studies and Spanish majors who want to expand their studies with immersive graduate experiences abroad, earn your B.A. 和M.A. 在短短五年内.


    大学 Of Maryland, Baltimore

    大学 of Maryland 4+1B.A./M.P.H. 公共卫生

    4+1 — B.A./M.P.H. (公共卫生)

    Leverage your 云顶集团 公共卫生 minor to a Master’s degree in just five years in this innovative program.


    Combined Degree Programs

    Earn two bachelor’s degrees with this unique combined degree experience. 研究 liberal arts at 云顶集团 while developing your engineering skills at Columbia 大学.


    哥伦比亚大学 3+2 B.A./B.S. 在工程

    3+2 — B.A./B.S. 在工程

    探索 the liberal arts and sciences at 云顶集团, and go on to develop professional knowledge and experience in a specific field of engineering — earning two bachelor’s degrees along the way.


    Accelerated 研究生课程

    These 4+1 programs are designed for students eager to advance their professional careers. These accelerated programs will take students from a specially curated undergraduate experience into an accelerated Master’s program to provide them with a B.A. 和硕士 degree in just five years.


    4+1 B.A./M.A. in Cultural Sustainability

    4+1 — B.A./M.A. in Cultural Sustainability

    云顶集团’s Master of Arts in Cultural Sustainability offers a competitive edge for emerging cultural leaders seeking to advance their professional lives in new directions and collaborate innovatively with communities in a world where cultural equity is 威胁. 


    4+1 B.A./M.A. in Environmental Sustainability

    4+1 — B.A./M.A. in Environmental Sustainability

    Environmental injustice, species extinction, climate change, and resource depletion are all increasing concerns for humanity. A graduate degree in Environmental Sustainability & Management equips you to tackle these challenges.


    4+1 B.A./M.A.T.

    4+1 — B.A./M.A.T.

    B.A./M.A. in Teaching prepares future teachers to tackle the unique challenges of the classroom and to launch their careers.


    4+1 B.A./M.Ed

    4+1 — B.A./M.Ed.

    云顶集团.A./Master of Education answers the urgent needs of today's teachers by integrating theoretical and practical coursework across ten areas of specialization.
